Improve Your Wellbeing

Creative Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing at Work

Improve Your Wellbeing

When you think of work, what comes to mind? Diligent employees poring over spreadsheets and business plans, or a soul-sucking day in the fluorescent-lit office with nothing but an endless stream of meetings ahead of you? How about both at once? With the increase in flexible working hours, remote working and other new models of employment, it’s now possible for many employees to work from home or take on a project that’s more independent or remote. This is great news for anyone who feels trapped by their desk—or wants to avoid that desk as much as possible. However, even if your workplace isn’t situated in a traditional office building, this doesn’t mean that your job is any less stressful than it was before. The digital age has its own pressures and pitfalls and there are things we can do to make our days not only more bearable but more fulfilling too.

Create a routine

If you have the flexibility to work from home, it can be easy to get sucked into a cycle of aimless procrastination especially if you’re in the early stages of your career, or you’re working on a project that isn’t particularly demanding. Given the option, many employees will naturally gravitate towards what’s easiest and most comfortable for them. However, this can have a negative impact on both your productivity and your general wellbeing. The more time you spend procrastinating, the more likely you are to feel anxious and stressed and the less likely you are to achieve the goals you set out to accomplish. That’s not to say you shouldn’t take advantage of your new flexible working hours and enjoy the freedom that comes with it. Just be sure to plan out your day, and schedule tasks that are both useful and rewarding. This can include anything from organizing your finances to cooking a healthy meal, to spending time with friends or family.


When we’re feeling stressed, it can be easy to fall into the trap of turning to unhealthy habits, such as smoking, drinking, or overeating. These cravings can be seen as a coping mechanism; a way of self-soothing that helps us to unwind and de-stress. While this can be beneficial in moderation, it can also be a sign that you need to take a step back from your work and find a new source of support. If you’re someone who struggles to find this outlet, or who finds that their bad habits are negatively impacting their life and their work, it can be helpful to find an alternative way to combat stress. Physical activity is one of the best ways to do this, and it has many other benefits too! Not only can it help you to de-stress and unwind, but it can also improve your sleep, boost your mood, improve your general wellbeing, and even encourage you to make healthier choices.

Shut off your brain

Not only can too much stress and worry affect your productivity, but it can also negatively impact your health. Stress is one of the main causes of burnout, sleep deprivation, and anxiety. When you’re feeling stressed, it can be tempting to try to push through and get on with your work. After all, getting through your to-do list might feel like the most productive thing you could possibly do at that moment. However, this can often make matters worse. By trying to push through your stress, you’re essentially prolonging its effects. You’re likely to make more mistakes and feel even more frazzled by the end of the day. It’s important to give yourself a break from time to time. Try to find a few hours a week where you put your work to the back of your mind. If you can’t ignore your responsibilities completely, try to find ways to distract yourself from the source of your stress, such as listening to music, reading a book, or spending time with friends.

Take care of your body

As well to taking care of your mental wellbeing, it’s important to take care of your general health too. It can be easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do or to fall into the trap of pushing yourself too hard, but it’s important to remember to look after yourself along the way. This can include anything from scheduling time for exercise and attending yoga classes, to taking more regular breaks and making sure you get enough sleep. If you work from home, it can be easy to forgo the benefits of a regular routine, like walking or going to yoga classes. However, it’s important to carve out some time for yourself, even if it’s just a 30-minute walk around the block or a session in the living room. Not only will this help you to de-stress, but it can also help you to find clarity and boost your productivity.

Network and find support

For some people, their work isn’t just a job—it’s a passion, a vocation, and a lifestyle. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that the pressures that come with the job disappear. If anything, they can be even more intense, particularly if you’re in a creative industry where there’s a lot of competition for limited opportunities. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to find ways to manage your workload, as well as your emotions. This can include setting up a group of like-minded individuals who can help you to stay motivated and inspire you to keep going. It’s also important to find support from loved ones; to be open with your friends and family about how you’re feeling, and to ask them for help when you need it.

Cultivate a workspace you love

A lot of the stress that comes with work can be attributed to your surroundings. If you’re in an environment that doesn’t inspire you or leave you feeling inspired, you’re more likely to become stressed and anxious—particularly if you spend a lot of your time there. This doesn’t just mean finding the most comfortable chair in the world. It also means surrounding yourself with things that are meaningful to you and that help you to stay positive. This can include displaying photos of loved ones, setting up a mood board, or using an app, like Calm, to help you to visualize your goals and dreams.


At the end of the day, no matter what kind of job you have or where you do it from, you need to remember that it’s a job. It’s a means to an end, and it’s ultimately there to provide you with an income so that you can enjoy the things in life that you love. Work is an unavoidable part of life for most people and it can be hard to find ways to stay positive and motivated in a stressful environment, particularly if you’re the type of person who thrives on routine and structure. It’s important to find ways to stay positive and motivated on a daily basis, whether that means using guided meditation to shut off your brain, or keeping a gratitude journal to remind yourself of all the good things in your life.

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